Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Who"publicity biography 1964-now(1971)" 34 pages

Roger Daultry up close is a rather small man.At 5'7'' it's hard to imagine he is that small compared to his larger than life stage appearance. He was kicked out of school at fifteen for smoking.At one point in his life he was so poor he was sleeping in the back of a van.Before the Who became the Who they were a mod group called the High Numbers that had emerged from Roger's band the Detours.
He loves handiwork like building extensions onto his house and sewing patches.His patch work is displayed on the cover of their 1971 album 'Who's Next?' on his jeans.

I am very good friends with Roger,he is a great bloke,but from what I understand he was a real asshole back in the day.In 1965 he was kicked out of the band for flushing Kieth Moon's drugs down the toilet.Another time in 1973 Roger told me while they were filming Quadrapedia,Peter didn't like his vocal take on the song,'Love Riegn O'er Me',Roger's voice was completely shot,Pete was all pissed at him and bashed Roger inthe head with his guitar.Two roadies were holding Roger back because they knew what he was like.Peter was demanding that they let Roger go or he'd kill Roger.To bad for Peter they let Roger go and on punch later Pete ended up in the hospital.Roger is nothing like that now,but it's not good to piss him off.

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