Friday, November 6, 2009

Robert Plant :Sixty-six to Timbuck Two 16 pages

At nineteen Robert Plant joined the last of three phases of the Band of Joy,which included later Zeppelin drummer John Henry Bonham.In this band he sang r&b standards and west Coast Californian bands,like Moby Grape,Love and Buffalo Springfield.In September of 1968,Jimmy page dropped by the wast midland club,Middle Earth to see the singer and was absolutely amazed at the vocal range.

In this segment you don't just get Led Zeppelin but the whole aspect of why,where and how it all began,from the roots of the black country and where the essence came from as described maybe inspiration came from the,"wooden body and soul of the family's wireless or Elvis begging for forgiveness in his music".It gives you an idea of idealistic thinking where you want to be thirty years from now and where you were thirty years ago.

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