Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Beatles,"Paul is Dead myths" 28 pages

There are a number of rumors or myths what ever you prefer that Paul McCartney is dead.The cause of death is said to be a car accident and that The surviving Beatles and replacement "Paul" gave many hints and indications of this on albums covers,photographs and lyrics.For example on their Paul cover of Abby Road the four Beatles are crossing the street all are wearing shoes but Paul.When you die and are buried you have no shoes on.Supposingly if you turn the Magical Mystery Tour album upside down The Beatles that is spelled out in stars is a number you can call to find out what really happened to Paul.Then the famous ending of Strawberry Fields Forever'Where it is believed John Lennon says,"I burried Paul."

These theries are fun to discuss but I can disprove them all for the most part.I called that phone number and got yelled at by some old woman telling me to never call there again.Second,I don't like to wear shoes either and I have an original Beatles album,and also a Beatles interview and it is belived Lennon is saying ,Cranberry Sauce"not 'I burried Paul,"but I wil l admit they do sound pretty damn close!.

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