Friday, November 6, 2009

The Birth of Tragedy By Frederich Nietzsche 37 pages
Views and Ideas of concept by Layla Gregory

In Birth of Tragedy ,Nietzsche discusses and uses widely the concept,"God is dead?"What does it mean?It does not necessarily mean God is Dead.God is dead in the last few generation of the world the idea of it exists in the minds of scholars and politicians.The old ways are dead,they died with the old world.In the past, when we create a new "world" a new era we burn all the bridges and start over,now in the last four decades we have taken the old relics from the past and applied it to the new age.God is part of the past the old terrors of if you sin you will go to hell,it was replaced with scientific reasoning and mechanical thought,if there is no scientific proof it must not be.In Nietzsche's era and even in the late 1700's atheism spread like wild fire across Europe.
Take Jim Morrison's ,"Rock is dead." It means the same thing ,but is put in different context.An age beyond reason?

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