Thursday, November 12, 2009

Paul is Dead!
The Beatles,"Paul is Dead myths" 28 pages

There are a number of rumors or myths what ever you prefer that Paul McCartney is dead.The cause of death is said to be a car accident and that The surviving Beatles and replacement "Paul" gave many hints and indications of this on albums covers,photographs and lyrics.For example on their Paul cover of Abby Road the four Beatles are crossing the street all are wearing shoes but Paul.When you die and are buried you have no shoes on.Supposingly if you turn the Magical Mystery Tour album upside down The Beatles that is spelled out in stars is a number you can call to find out what really happened to Paul.Then the famous ending of Strawberry Fields Forever'Where it is believed John Lennon says,"I burried Paul."

These theries are fun to discuss but I can disprove them all for the most part.I called that phone number and got yelled at by some old woman telling me to never call there again.Second,I don't like to wear shoes either and I have an original Beatles album,and also a Beatles interview and it is belived Lennon is saying ,Cranberry Sauce"not 'I burried Paul,"but I wil l admit they do sound pretty damn close!.
The Who"publicity biography 1964-now(1971)" 34 pages

Roger Daultry up close is a rather small man.At 5'7'' it's hard to imagine he is that small compared to his larger than life stage appearance. He was kicked out of school at fifteen for smoking.At one point in his life he was so poor he was sleeping in the back of a van.Before the Who became the Who they were a mod group called the High Numbers that had emerged from Roger's band the Detours.
He loves handiwork like building extensions onto his house and sewing patches.His patch work is displayed on the cover of their 1971 album 'Who's Next?' on his jeans.

I am very good friends with Roger,he is a great bloke,but from what I understand he was a real asshole back in the day.In 1965 he was kicked out of the band for flushing Kieth Moon's drugs down the toilet.Another time in 1973 Roger told me while they were filming Quadrapedia,Peter didn't like his vocal take on the song,'Love Riegn O'er Me',Roger's voice was completely shot,Pete was all pissed at him and bashed Roger inthe head with his guitar.Two roadies were holding Roger back because they knew what he was like.Peter was demanding that they let Roger go or he'd kill Roger.To bad for Peter they let Roger go and on punch later Pete ended up in the hospital.Roger is nothing like that now,but it's not good to piss him off.
Love Reign O'er Me By Layla Gregory 21 pages

This short story is about love,betrayel,but betrayl out of love.Yes Robert does end up dying at the hand of his own beloved Luchina for the trade of her sister's life for his.But finding out her sister is already dead,she ends up killing Robert to save him from a horrible fate.But she finds out it was all twisted in order for her to end up killing him,so Lord Eric the one behind it all didn't have to get his hands dirty.In the end she is killed for her disloyalty for killing Robert even though it was Lord Erics Plan.

This is a rather tricky,morbid,elaborate short story,I wrote this right after I got off of anti-deppresants,that I belive is the reason it turned out the way it did.In a way it rather disturbs me.Why?Because I can come up with such twisted things!That's why,but everything could be played out realistically,even though it is such a bizare plot line everything happens for a reason.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Tales From the Flat Earth By Tanith Lee 42 pages

In this section Oloru(Chuz) is transformed into a creature that absolutely does not like it's self,a daft ,raving lunatic.Shovaz is devastated,so was I.So Shovaz attempt to cahse him down and runs into an old man whom tell her a story of what happened years and years before to the city she about to pass through.How long ago a young prince married the beautiful Lililu,whom turned out in all aspects to be a form of the vampire.The young man murders the bride and she come back eack night in attempt to slay him.All these different remedies are tried and nothing works./Then the last mages tells the young prince to cut away Lililu's shadow and conseal it within a bag so it disinagates and she is weakened ultimately.

This is one of my favourite parts of the book it gives you another idea about the ancient monster that is the vampire,which all the way around is very intraesting how Tanith Lee conveys it.The novel is well put together the words are so tight they pour smooth like whiskey ,nothing is dismissed,taboo,in all aspects of the words.It's creative, artistic,lovely.Withy each description it goes far in depth with the perfect amount of words.
The Birth of Tragedy By Frederich Nietzsche 37 pages
Views and Ideas of concept by Layla Gregory

In Birth of Tragedy ,Nietzsche discusses and uses widely the concept,"God is dead?"What does it mean?It does not necessarily mean God is Dead.God is dead in the last few generation of the world the idea of it exists in the minds of scholars and politicians.The old ways are dead,they died with the old world.In the past, when we create a new "world" a new era we burn all the bridges and start over,now in the last four decades we have taken the old relics from the past and applied it to the new age.God is part of the past the old terrors of if you sin you will go to hell,it was replaced with scientific reasoning and mechanical thought,if there is no scientific proof it must not be.In Nietzsche's era and even in the late 1700's atheism spread like wild fire across Europe.
Take Jim Morrison's ,"Rock is dead." It means the same thing ,but is put in different context.An age beyond reason?
Robert Plant :Sixty-six to Timbuck Two 16 pages

At nineteen Robert Plant joined the last of three phases of the Band of Joy,which included later Zeppelin drummer John Henry Bonham.In this band he sang r&b standards and west Coast Californian bands,like Moby Grape,Love and Buffalo Springfield.In September of 1968,Jimmy page dropped by the wast midland club,Middle Earth to see the singer and was absolutely amazed at the vocal range.

In this segment you don't just get Led Zeppelin but the whole aspect of why,where and how it all began,from the roots of the black country and where the essence came from as described maybe inspiration came from the,"wooden body and soul of the family's wireless or Elvis begging for forgiveness in his music".It gives you an idea of idealistic thinking where you want to be thirty years from now and where you were thirty years ago.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Hitch Hiker,By Layla Gregory 16 pages

In the Hitch Hiker,in The summer of 1966 in Death Valley California,the body of a twenty year old boy named Marc Douglas is found stabbed to death on the side of the road.It remains an unsolved mystery until,October of 1970,where, a young bloke named Roger Feld,who was stabbed in the gut and left on the side of the road to bleed to death,but he is taken to the hospital and survives.

This is a rather twisted and morbidly written short storie,it was inspired by THE DOORS' song,'Riders on the Storm':There's a killer on the road,his brain is squirming like a toad take a long holiday let your children play,if you give this man a ride sweet family will die killer on the road" And so on you get the idea,I have to have an absolute fasination with the concept of death to write what I write.I am proud of this one for it is not a bitter,sad ending love story its a book that is written to ask the question,"Why"?.

If intrested in reading this short storie reserve a copy of the finished product.
Layla Gregory
What is and What Should Never Be, by Layla Gregory 34 pages
Chapter II Dazed and Confused

In this chapter Rosie is taken to the Whiskey a-go-go by the popular Marc Lyret for her sixteenth birthday August 20,1969.After being led out into the alley way she almost gets rapped that is when she meets Robert Antony Bolan whom rescues her from Marc.She discovers he is a very kind man,but very troubled.He takes her into the mens bathroom back in the Whiskey a-go-go and cleans her up.This more so is the chapter that shows what fate might be ,but its almost three chapters away from where fate is already written.

This chapter really took me forever to write because of its content originally it was really heavy,good ,but it was to much there have been many Phases of this chapter.It has now been transformed from it's orginal state of her getting rapped by Marc Lyret in the alley way to almost getting raped.The first addition of this book was slightly different from how it turned out,but after I wrote this chapter I was able to keep working on the novel chapter after chapter flowed out of me dismissing the trivial questions, no matter what they might be.The complex world of words laced together into a tapestry of imagination and tragedy was bornl.
Carrie by Steven King 46 pages

In this section of the book Tommy Ross asks Carrie to the prom because Sue asked him to.There is a question of whether or not he is the catalist to what happened at the prom.Whether or not he was is not clear,it is known he was a straight A student,his best sport was baseball and he wrot4e poetry and six months before his death had a poem vieed in the local printing small press
called,'Evergreen",and to what acuantance he had,"A hell of a good shit."

In my opinion Tommy Ross could not have been the catalist to this diabolical sceam to ruin everything for Carrie White,for some very good reasons.First,he didn't care enough to do som ething like that.Second,the way it back fired he might have forseen it,and would have never done it.But there is one reason he could have he loved Sue Snell and would pretty much do anything for her,he did ask Carrie White to the prom didn't he,but he doesn't seem so twisted,nither does Suel.