Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jim Morrison:Dark Star,by Dylan Jones,41 pages

In this section Jim is described,"as a sex symbol with a beer belly and a beard."This is where Jim began to be deteriorating in front of everybody and everything.He was trying to reshape his image from rock star to absolute poet.He began to focus on his namely poetry and films.Around this time it is reported,roumored Jim was drinking an average of three bottles of scotch a day.

I have heard the phrase,"It's better to burn out than fade away."from a number of sources.That phrase is some of the graffitti written on Jim's grave,you think to yourself and what it means,then you ask if Jim before he burned out,too faded away before burning out,isn't that what happened?He ran away to Paris didn't he and lost his rock and roll image,he was just twenty-seven.He was moving way to fast,but still going to slow and time ran out,before he could catch up.

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