Tuesday, October 6, 2009

In the Hour of Not Quite Rain,by Layla Gregory,12 pages

Robert has been hanged.Luchina is devastated,she needs Roger to be there and comfort her.She and Roger go to find the priest,who claimed Robert's body.The priest promises to give Robert a proper funeral and gives Luchina his journal.After reading his journal she recalls fond memories they had shared and finds ut some of the dark secrets of his past.
This is another section that was sort of hard to write,but still I pulled it off rather beautifully.Not to sound conceded,but its true.I'm absolutely happy with myself and this piece of writing so far.Looking back on what I have written and seeing how well it turned out is fantastic.I can absolutely relate to Luchina and the way she feels I have lost many friends in the passing years its horrible.It is partially what has inspired me to write some of what it is I write.

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