Thursday, October 8, 2009

Carrie,by Steven King, 32 pages

In this part of Carrie,Tommy Ross asks Carrie to the prom.Tommy Ross is described a jock,but he is a straight A student,which hardly fits the dumb jock image.He is a poet and as his friends say,"a hell of a good shit."His best sport is baseball and started playing for the varsity squard his sophmore year. his girl friend is Sue whom provoked him to ask Carrie to the prom.
I absolutely adore the character Tommy Ross,in book and film,sounds like a ngreat bloke to hang around with.It is actually strange in my opinion because Steven King wrote this book in 1974 and it takes place in 1979.Very abstract and can't see the point why he would do that.That is one of the questions you would want to write him and ask about.

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