Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Lemon Tree December 1996:US fall and Japan Tour Reviews issue 5 12 pages

Though this has to be one of the most bizare blogs I,ve done yet I have to and from this little English magazine or what you'd call a'fanzine'for Robert Plant,there is an article called'Tablecloths and Granny Knickers'.It's about clothing that the members of Led Zeppelin wore,back then and up until 1996 since this is a back issue on a magazine from over a decade ago.on this paticular tour Robert fancied the nineties hippy look with waistcoats and the occasional tie-dye,while Jimmy favoured more silk shirts in the colours of plum and gold.Mind you this tour was in 1996 for thier 'No Quarter 'tour.Though in the old days Zeppelin's look grew out of the late sixties hippy tat-all velvet,lace and cheesecloth(as early photographs and bits of film show)although they never took it into extremes like Marc Bolan did.Robert Plant love T-Shirts.

I know this blog is absolutely passe',a bit strage,but I don't care.How do you think I learned to dress myself,that the clothing that I wore on Friday to do my little performance was inspired by Robert Plant,that's why I don't dress like everybody else.I love the sixties and seventies and I needed a model on what the look was and I found Robert Plant,well after listening to some great music.But Robert Plant inspires more than just fashion,it's an idea,he lends to you as he sings and what ever you do with that idea is your choice.Oh,by the way the title of this article is refering to an out fit Jimmy Page was wearing in 1970.

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