Thursday, September 17, 2009

Whole Lotta Led Zeppelin,'Where's the Confounded Bridge?"22pages

This section of the book discusses more so the making of Led Zeppelin's fifth album,'Houses of the Holy'.The reason the album took so long to come out is because of its cover,it never caame out the right colour.But the final finished product is the sureal orange background with blonde naked children,climbing on monolithic rocks that is so iconic.This album has memorable songs like:'The Song Remains the Same','The Ocean','The Crunge',and 'Over the Hills and Far Far Away'.And many other great songs.

People say this album made Led Zeppelin soft,but I strongly disagree, I see it as a land mark album. It marks great songs leading to greater songs.The lyrics are absolutely rich,so is this review Iread. It describes everything exactly how i would have described it.


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