Friday, September 18, 2009

Blackwood Farm,by Anne Rice,Pages 32

In this part of the book Quinn talks about how breathtaking Lestat de Lioncourt really is, in this part Lestat is described in the book in this way taken diectly from the text,"His skin was a pale golden that offset his violet blue eyes wonderfully,and his hair was a true mane of yellow,tousled and curling just above his shouldes.His coloured glasses,almost the same violet tint as his eyes,were pushed up into his hair,and he was staring at me,golden eyebrows scowling slightly,waiting perhaps for me to regain my sences;I honestly didn't know."-"What engraved itself into my consciousness was his face-square and taut,the eyes very big and the well-shapes mouth voluptuous,and the jaw somewhat hard, the whole more truely well porpotioned and appealing than he could ever have claimed.In fact, his own desciptions of himself didn't do him justice because his looks,though certainly a handful of obvious blessings,were ignited by a potent inner fire."-From Blackwood Farm

I absolutely love descriptions of the vampire Lestat and this one I found quite to my liking.Detail is so important and in this novel it is absolutely top priority.It's almost as if I were to turn he might be standing there beside me. It's so real and equisitly written.One of Anne Rice's best wok yet.

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