Friday, September 18, 2009

Jim Morrison:Life,Death,Legend,pages 27

The Doors finished up 1967 at Winterland,in San Fransisco.Otis Redding had just died in a plane crash on December tenth.Jim had idolized Redding since he was a young child.So Jim requested a dozen long stemmed roses,"Not romance red,blood red."Jim commented.So he shows up on stage with all these roses handing them to the younger prettier girls in the audience and sang in tribute to Otis Redding the refrain:"Poor Otis dead and gone,left me here to sing this song,pretty little girl with a red dress on,poor Otis dead and gone."

Around the end of 1967 it was both the begining and the end.The band had just hit the top and Jim was already down the road of self destruction. If Robert Plant were to die I would do the same for him in tribute.It's the right thing to do for someone you dearly idolize.
Friday, September 18, 2009

Jim Morrison:Life,Death,Legend, by Stephen Davis pages 15

In this part of the book Jim is still a college student.He hitchhikes 450 miles to Bekeley for a one-time only screening of French existentialist hero Jean Genet's ultrarare homoerotic prison film,'Un Chant d'Amour'.It was only the hippest,most hard-core cinema freaks in L.A.took the teouble to make the scene.Jim wrote in his notebook after the film,"Cure blindness with a whore's spittle."

I think Jim had an absloute fasination with film because he wanted a brief escape from life.That's why I watch films.You can be somewhere else for a little while you can just drift away and let you mind go numb.But it nwas a demented mind,I can absolutely relate,beauty is created out of someone elses pain and anguish.
Friday, September 18, 2009

Jim Morrison:Life,Death,Legend, by Stephen Davis pages 15

In this part of the book Jim is still a college student.He hitchhikes 450 miles to Bekeley for a one-time only screening of French existentialist hero Jean Genet's ultrarare homoerotic prison film,'Un Chant d'Amour'.It was only the hippest,most hard-core cinema freaks in L.A.took the teouble to make the scene.Jim wrote in his notebook after the film,"Cure blindness with a whore's spittle."

I think Jim had an absloute fasination with film because he wanted a brief escape from life.That's why I watch films.You can be somewhere else for a little while you can just drift away and let you mind go numb.But it nwas a demented mind,I can absolutely relate,beauty is created out of someone elses pain and anguish.
Blackwood Farm,by Anne Rice,Pages 32

In this part of the book Quinn talks about how breathtaking Lestat de Lioncourt really is, in this part Lestat is described in the book in this way taken diectly from the text,"His skin was a pale golden that offset his violet blue eyes wonderfully,and his hair was a true mane of yellow,tousled and curling just above his shouldes.His coloured glasses,almost the same violet tint as his eyes,were pushed up into his hair,and he was staring at me,golden eyebrows scowling slightly,waiting perhaps for me to regain my sences;I honestly didn't know."-"What engraved itself into my consciousness was his face-square and taut,the eyes very big and the well-shapes mouth voluptuous,and the jaw somewhat hard, the whole more truely well porpotioned and appealing than he could ever have claimed.In fact, his own desciptions of himself didn't do him justice because his looks,though certainly a handful of obvious blessings,were ignited by a potent inner fire."-From Blackwood Farm

I absolutely love descriptions of the vampire Lestat and this one I found quite to my liking.Detail is so important and in this novel it is absolutely top priority.It's almost as if I were to turn he might be standing there beside me. It's so real and equisitly written.One of Anne Rice's best wok yet.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Whole Lotta Led Zeppelin,'Led Zeppelin II',17 pages

Led Zeppelin II was mostly written and recorded on the road,on tour in America.Written on paper in hotels.Key tracks are:'Whole Lotta Love','Heartbreaker,';there are two tracks on this album that have very intresting background.Robert Plant wrote the song,'Thank You',for hs wife at the time Maureen Plant.Then,there is the song,'What is and What Should Never Be',was written for Maureen Plant's little sister whom Robert was also seeing.

I think Robert Plant would still be married if he hadn't cheated on his wife with his wife's little sister.It's bad enough to be caught in the act with a groupie,but to write a song about a liasson with his wife's sister on the same album he wrote a song for his wife on.Bad,bad man!
Whole Lotta Led Zeppelin,'Where's the Confounded Bridge?"22pages

This section of the book discusses more so the making of Led Zeppelin's fifth album,'Houses of the Holy'.The reason the album took so long to come out is because of its cover,it never caame out the right colour.But the final finished product is the sureal orange background with blonde naked children,climbing on monolithic rocks that is so iconic.This album has memorable songs like:'The Song Remains the Same','The Ocean','The Crunge',and 'Over the Hills and Far Far Away'.And many other great songs.

People say this album made Led Zeppelin soft,but I strongly disagree, I see it as a land mark album. It marks great songs leading to greater songs.The lyrics are absolutely rich,so is this review Iread. It describes everything exactly how i would have described it.

Whole Lotta Led Zeppelin,'Robert Plant:Middle-class Blues Boy',by Garth Cartwright 19 pages

Robert Anthony Plant was born August 20,1948,in England's West Mid-Lands.Robert at first was a rather bookish child,then one day he decided he wnted to be Elvis Presily.His father cut the plug off of his record player after he played,"I like it like That"by New Orleans R&B singer Chris Kenner seventeen times in a row.

I can relate because I grew up around the same area I grew up in .When I discovered Led Zeppelin I used to have a 3.8 GPA.And my grandparents cut the plug off their own record player when I lived in England so I couldn't listen to Led Zeppelin.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Merrisc,by Anne Rice,26 pages

After Louis goes into the sun,it is the one thing that wakes Lestat up from his endless sleep.Lestat see's Louis's burnt body and slices his own wrist.He then tells Merick and David to do the same thing,in order to restore Louis.He then tries to frantically tries to give Louis blood to revive him.

Louis in a way is Lestat's child,for Lestat made him.Louis was his lover,his brother.I couldn't imagine finding someone so close to me,on the edge of death.I would be absolutely devistating.

Merrick,by Anne Rice 22 pages

Louis is absolutely devastated after res erecting Claudia's spirit.He takes his coffin and goes out into the yard and lays in the sun.He doesn't die,but is depleted very close to.This incident wakes Lestat right up.
I can see how Louis just wants to end it, his beloved companion told him she hates his very being.So Louis feels the only way out to ever see her again,is to go into the sunlight. I can't see it as the best solution,it was more so an act of desperation.

Merrick,by Anne Rice 20 pages
In this part of the book, Lestat is still sleeping,in his strange,trance like state.
David,a vampire made by Lestat is frustrated with Lestat's months of sleeping.He pleads Lestat to wake up,or at least show some response.Lestat is not responsive.
I can in a way relate to how Lestat feels and why he is sleeping for so long.I was on anti-depressants and I always felt absolutely exausted.I assume Lestat feels like he's trapped and just feels like he needs to take a break from thing and life.

Fledging.I think it's such an exquisite word.Why,I can not say.